Shop Categories

Daniel Adams  00 33 169 7720
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Version 2.1 - January 22, 2018
  • UPDATED: Bootstrap to latest version v4.0.0
  • FIXED: Template 2 Material font icons path
Version 2.0 - January 22, 2018
  • ADDED: Brand New Stand-Alone Unishop Version 2 (Template 2) - Furniture Shop
  • UPDATED: Bootstrap to latest version v4.0.0-beta.3
  • FIXED: Template compatibility issues with updated Bootstrap
Version 1.4 - November 2, 2017
  • ADDED: Coming Soon Page
  • ADDED: Single Ticket Page
  • ADDED: Bootstrap scss files to vendor folder. Now Bootstrap is integral part of grunt building process and is compiled via separate grunt command sass:bootstrap and passed through Autoprefixer
  • ADDED: 2 New sections to Unishop documentation: “Browser Support (Autoprefixer)” and “Changelog”
  • UPDATED: Bootstrap to latest Beta 2 version
  • UPDATED: package.json with new Autoprefixer package
  • UPDATED: Gruntfile.js. Added new path: bootstrap_scss and new grunt command sass:bootstrap which runs along with default grunt task. Added Autoprefixer task
  • UPDATED: Removed all prefixed styles from SCSS. Now vendor prefixes are added automatically by Autoprefixer
  • UPDATED: Account My Tickets page. Now you can click on ticket name to see ticket details
  • UPDATED: jQuery v3.1.1 slim to v3.2.1 full to enable ajax function
  • FIXED: Yet another shop products grid issue in Microsoft Edge
  • FIXED: Removed second unnecessary declaration of countDownFunc inside scripts.js
  • FIXED: Double/Single quotes issue inside scripts.js
  • FIXED: Specified "global" identifiers at the top of the scripts.js file to tell ESLin that they are declared outside of the file
Version 1.3 - October 9, 2017
  • ADDED: New Homepage Versions: Featured Categories and Product Collection Showcase
  • ADDED: New Type of Header - Ghost Header (see Homepage Product Collection Showcase)
  • ADDED: New Products Grid with Filters (see on Product Collection Showcase page)
  • ADDED: Light Footer version (try via customizer)
  • UPDATED: Unishop Logo and Favicon
  • UPDATED: Sketch file with new Homepage mockups and components
  • UPDATED: Documentation with new section: Changing Footer Skin
Version 1.2 - September 17, 2017
  • ADDED: New Order Tracking Page
  • ADDED: Search and Filters for Components. New data-filter-list js plugin for filtering list groups
  • ADDED: New Steps component
  • ADDED: New Font Icons Set Pe-7-Stroke
  • ADDED: New Order Details Modal. Now when you click on order id it opens modal with order details
  • ADDED: grunt-cache-pug-compile and pug-inheritance for faster .pug compilation and browser reloading. Now only affected files re-compile
  • ADDED: New utility classes for removing border radius. All utility classes found in scss/base/_utilities.scss
  • UPDATED: Node modules to latest stable version
  • UPDATED: Forms styles, fixed button inside input group
  • UPDATED: Sketch file with new Order Tracking page mockup
Version 1.1 - August 29, 2017
  • ADDED: Media object component
  • ADDED: Password recovery page
  • UPDATED: Bootstrap to latest version 4.0.0 Beta
  • UPDATED: All Unishop components to be compatible with Bootstrap 4.0.0 Beta
  • UPDATED: User dropdown menu and mobile menu, added user avatar
  • UPDATED: Navigation bar and dropdown styles, added drop shadow
  • UPDATED: Documentation. Added new section: Global colors, fixed typos
  • UPDATED: gruntfile.js and package.json files
  • FIXED: Shop products grid issue in Microsoft Edge
Version 1.0 - July 30, 2017
  • Initial release