
You can alter carousel look and behaviour via flexible data API data-owl-carousel = {}:
  • "items": 1 How many items to display
  • "nav": true/false Enable/disable control arrows
  • "dots": true/false Enable/disable dots control
  • "loop": true/false Enable/disable infinite loop
  • "autoplay": true/false Enable/disable automatic slides transition
  • "autoplayTimeout": 3000 Timeou between transition. Value in ms | 1000ms = 1s
  • "margin": 30 Space between carousel items (in px)
  • "autoHeight": true/false Enable/disable smooth height transition. If items have different height
  • "responsive": {"0": {"items": 1}, "768": {"items": 2}, ...} How many items to display on each screen size
One Item + Arrows + Dots Outside + Loop

One Item + Arrows + Dots Inside + No Loop

Multiple Items + Dots + Loop + Autoplay